About Us

Jackye Moody Face close-up

My Story

I started on Atkins back in 2003 when it was popular.  Joined an Atkins diet forum and did a lot of studying about food.  I was very successful on the low-carb diet.  This was back before anyone heard of the keto diet.  What we had was Atkins induction, which was a ketogenic diet.

I learned how to move up the rungs of the Atkins OWL ladder and slowly add in carbs until you found out how many your body could handle before weight loss stopped.

This worked great for me for over a year, and then I started wanting carbs again.  I started eating them and gained the weight back quickly.  I didn’t know how dangerous the carbs were for me.  I wound up developing diabetes, and getting high fasting blood sugars of over 220!  

I went back to limiting carbs but did not go low-carb.  Primarily, I removed most processed foods from my diet.  This worked wonderfully for my health!  And I wound up losing some weight too, but I did not get back down to a good weight.

Well, after going back on too many processed carbs, my weight was up again, and so was my blood sugar!  I changed my diet to remove the processed foods again and have kept my blood sugars down for the last few years.  Now I am back on low-carb to lose weight along with getting my health back.

Back when I was originally on low-carb with the Atkins diet, I was successful enough that I was noticed by the now-defunct CarbLite magazine.  You can read the article in the pictures here.  I was paying it forward then, and I want to continue paying it forward.  Join me in the forums.  I would love to meet you and help you on your low-carb journey.

Carb Lite Mag Article Page 1
Carb Lite Mag Page 2

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